ViewPoint360° Virtual Tour Studio

Changelog version 3


- fixed a bug when uploading panorama image/videos sometimes not detect correct type

- fixed check license


- added multi language supports

- added in editing room the possibility to go edit next and previous room without go back to the list

- added cancel button on editing pois and markers

- added direct action on editing markers to go to next room and edit its markers

- added editor user's role to edit only assigned virtual tours

- added title and description to images in the Main and Pois galleries


- added search on virtual tours, rooms, maps backend's sections

- added to each room the link of the virtual tour with the relative starting room

- added expiring dates to virtual tours with redirect urls (only for admins)

- added map north setting

- added target (blank,self) for POI type link external

- added automatic mode in presentations


- added POI type images gallery

- added keyboard's navigation support

- added intro images for displaying instruction or something else

- when editing the room, the point on the map and its viewing angle are shown to better set the north

- detect hyperlinks in live session chat

- when uploading an image with the bulk function, the file name is retained as the map name

- fixed a bug with room's menu list creation

- fixed audio autoplay


- added Room's Annotations

- added Room's List Menu editable to show an organized textual list of rooms

- added POI type audio

- moved info box creation in a separated menu with a better content editor

- when uploading an image with the bulk function, the file name is retained as the room name


- added live sessions to invite people to join a shared virtual tour session with video call and chat

- added upload of audio files in the rooms that are played when entering them

- added more style settings to virtual tours for hide/show some viewer components

- fixed device orientation that was deactivated sometimes

- fixed some backend issues for iphone / ipad


- added support for 360 videos as room's panorama

- added POI type to play 360 videos

- added registration for customers with default plan assignment (useful for trial)

- added expires day for plans

- added landing page creation toggle for plans

- added friendly urls blacklist into settings to limit their use from customers

- fixed a bug with the room list slider

- fixed a bug that background sound not stop after open a video


- modified angle of view's direction to the map with the color of the pointer

- added an option to rooms to show or not into the slider list

- added editor for create landing page

- added facebook messenger chat

- cleaned viewer interface and redesigned the menu


- added angle of view's direction to the map

- added email field to users

- added edit profile for current logged-in user (change username, email, password)

- added mail server settings

- added forgot password to login

- added more POI styles

- added title and description to POI type image

- added possibility to upload local mp4 video to POI type video


- added POI form fields's type for better validation

- added settings to auto show room's list slider after virtual tour load

- added customizable main form for entire virtual tours

- added bulk upload map images (fast create multiple maps)


- added same azimuth in virtual tour settings to maintain the same direction with regard to north while navigate between rooms

- accept also PNG panorama files

- added maximum width setting in pixels of panoramic images. if they exceed this width the images will be resized

- added more detailed statistics

- added POI type form to create simple form and store collected data on database

- fixed a bug in editing presentation elements order