ViewPoint360° Virtual Tour Studio

Changelog version 4


- optimizations and bugfix

- added social authentication for login and registration into backend

- added some badges into backend's lists to count rooms, markers, pois, etc

- moved thumbnail edit within room preview for better cropping

- added functions to reset statistics, leads and forms data

- audio poi is now displayed without blocking the tour

- redesigned pricing plan page


- added feature that allows you to blur parts of the panoramic image, such as faces and license plates

- added the showcase where you can show all your virtual tours in one place

- added the possibility to edit the crop size of the room's thumbnails

- removed yaw / pitch limitations on room preview in marker and pois sections

- added european portuguese language

- added annotations toggle in the viewer

- fixed a room audio issue not interrupting when exiting the room


- fixed an installation error

- fixed a bug uploading gif on custom icon's library


- added meeting feature (jitsi meet)

- added Hungarian Language

- added many more features that can be activated based on plans

- added custom features list to plans

- redesigned the select boxes for the contents of the virtual tour

- fixed generation of multi-resolution for multiple rooms view

- fixed currencies formats

- fixed video panorama on iOS


- added room preview as marker style

- added the possibility to schedule the pois (make them visible only on certain days and times)

- added filters to rooms to adjust brightness, contrast, saturate and grayscale

- added the possibility to change the owner of the virtual tour (only for administrators)

- fixed some audio issues

- fixed some missing translations

- added a check to avoid adding users with the same email / username


- optimized initial loading

- added leads form to room to protect its display until the form is filled

- added leads section on backend with the possibility to export them

- added more options to rooms for limit views (partial panorama)

- added the ability to load various versions of the room and switch them in the viewer


- added flyin animation to virtual tours

- added passcode to room to protect its display until the code is entered

- added possibility to duplicate rooms

- added possibility to override transition settings on rooms

- fixed a bug that not permits customers to view virtual tours on reaching plan limit

- fixed a bug that prevent duplicate virtual tours on some database


- added params to rooms to adjust horizontal pitch and roll for correcting non-leveled panoramas

- modified tooltip text of pois to show longest text on hover

- added possibility to enable or not live session in plans

- added possibility to duplicate virtual tours

- added possibility to delete users

- added possibility to enable validation email on new user registration

- added more language / currencies

- fix stripe init check webhook


- fix bug on adding plans

- fix bug on voice commands

- added more currencies to plans


- added payments stripe integration

- added possibility to set user language

- added a css editor to customize the backend in the backend settings

- added style option to show/hide virtual tour's name

- added possibility to export in csv the forms data

- added url param to force live session even if disabled - &live_session=1

- added possibility to apply default style settings to all existing markers/pois

- added search functionality on room's selects

- added image preview on selecting points when editing maps

- added possibility to change maps order

- added a marker's option to override the initial position of the next room belong to that marker


- added transition fadeout setting

- added a css editor to customize the viewer in the backend settings (general or related to the virtual tour)

- converting images to progressive (load faster from browser)

- minor improvement in multires mode

- added more options to plans

- added possibility to view/change plans to users (now manually contact by email for change it)

- added internal note for virtual tours (only visible to admins)

- added more preview styles of marker tooltips


- introduced multi resolution panoramas support (beta)

- added transition settings to virtual tours for control zoom and time before entering the next room

- added placement of pois in perspective

- added whatsapp chat support

- added possibility to set tooltip on markers (custom text, room preview, room name) and pois (custom text)

- added possibility to play embedded audio of video panoramas

- added controls to video panoramas

- added keyborad controls "z" to go prev room and "x" to go next room