ViewPoint360° Virtual Tour Studio

Changelog version 5


- added customizable items on backend's footer

- added Romanian language

- added Polish (PLN) currency

- added the possibility to directly upload custom icons in the media library popup

- added title and description to customize password protected tours

- added a prompt if device orientation not start automatically

- added the possibility to upload a logo for each rooms displayed instead of the room's name

- added the possibility to insert images and links into welcome message

- added the possibility to toggle 3d transform on embedded images and videos

- added the possibility to modify the interaction with the virtual tours by modifying the panning speed and the friction

- added an option to markers to control the movement of the view when clicked on them

- added a minimize button to hide the editing popup of markers and pois

- added border and background colors to POI embed type text

- reversed the order of media library files, newer first

- room's list on viewer is now responsive

- moved the tour creation form directly to the page instead of the modal

- fixed scroll on some pois / info box

- fixed a bug on some servers that shows invalid link on showcases

- fixed an issue that prevented the room from being edited when the French language was selected

- fixed a problem with nav control not being hided when in web vr mode

- fixed a bug that breaks some tour on mobile

- fixed a problem of positioning of the embedded pois/markers that moved out of position when the meeting was opened

- fixed a bug with poi embed text

- fixed an issue that caused the play button not to be clicked on the embedded video


- added the ability to update the application automatically (only for administrators)

- fixed VND price format

- fixed download tour

- use small logo as favicon when present


- added POI type "Object 3d" for showing GLB/GLTF models

- added POI style "embedded link"

- added POI style "embedded text"

- added POI style "selection area"

- added Marker style "selection area"

- added the ability to upload lottie files as icons

- added POI type "Lottie"

- added Swedish language

- added VND currency

- added helper cursor when adding rooms pointer to maps

- added presets for room's positions

- added an option to autoplay audio without the popup

- added the ability to set background audio volume when play room and poi audio

- added the ability to set device orientation automatically enabled

- added the ability to renames tour / rooms / maps directly in the list view

- added quality viewer to virtual tour performance settings

- added disk space usage to statistics and users

- added the ability to choose items to duplicate for tours and rooms

- added switches in virtual tours to automatically close menus and floorplan when clicking on items within them

- added the ability to change markers and pois content/style type

- added the ability to choose what apply into default markers/pois styles

. added small logo into backend settings

- added author and counter of total accesses to the tours in the showcase

- modifying the way to position the markers and pois, now you have to drag them

- automatically sets latitude / longitude on the map if GPS data is present in the image

- updated API to accept also coordinates

- fixed language dates in statistics

- fixed a webvr problem on some phones

- fixed a bug on generating multi-resolution

- fixed select not working properly on safari

- fixed background song with spaces restart after changing rooms

- increased name for audio files

- optimized icon's touch on mobile

- optimized backend performance

- reduced memory usage in the viewer


- fixed a bug on download tour

- fixed a bug that prevents save some old showcases


- added Polish language

- added the ability to download tours

- added download tours as permission for plans

- floorplan's maps now goes fullscreen when enlarged

- added an option to not show the floor plan minimap, but only the enlarged version

- added width setting to maps (for desktop and mobile)

- added some effects to rooms (snow,rain,fog,fireworks,confetti,sparkle)

- custom font applied also on login/register pages

- added custom css into showcases

- added search in the list of tours assigned to the showcase/advertisement

- added date to forms/leads collected data

- improved markers/pois editing section

- added date as form field type

- added embedded video with transparency POI

- added the ability to duplicate POIs

- added auto rotation toggle into the viewer

- added floating navigation control

- added music library

- added media and music library as permission for editors

- added to administrators the possibility to manage public libraries for icons, media and musics

- divided into tabs some sections of the backend

- updated demo sample data

- added compatibility to set Google Street View as external URL

- fixed a bug that prevents to preload duplicated rooms

- fixed a bug that prevents upload bulk maps

- fixed overlapping icons id editing map


- added slideshow embed POI

- added checkbox and select type to poi form fields

- speeded up the change of tours in the showcase

- fixed video embedded with some devices

- added close button to floor maps

- fixed a bug that prevents display thumbs in media library


- added "click anywhere" and "hide markers" settings in virtual tours that allow you to click near markers (even if not visible) to go to the corresponding room

- added POI to embed images and videos to rooms

- added the ability to choose POI mode view: modal or box

- added the ability to change the fonts for the backend and for each virtual tour

- added an option to virtual tours to enable or not the preload of the panoramas

- added an option to regenerate all panoramas after changing compress and width settings

- added HFOV mobile ratio to set a wider or narrower view when viewing on small screens

- added setting to virtual tours to customize initial loading and the ability to put a video as a background

- added an API sample code to publish link section

- added manual expiration date to users

- added the ability to auto open info box and gallery

- added checkbox and select type to form fields

- added reply message to forms submissions

- added the ability to choose to show video or only audio in live sessions

- added code highlighter in poi type html

- added media library to select previously loaded or existing content on some pois (images and videos)

- added preview to poi's contents

- added button to take a screenshot of the current view in room editing

- applied the map settings also where it is displayed in the backend as well as in the viewer

- removed toggle effects on north tab in edit room


- added an option to POI to auto open it on room's access

- fixed a bug on 360 video playback not showing

- scaled down markers and pois on mobiles


- fixed dates localization

- added the ability to change the registration image in the white label's settings

- added the ability to change the welcome message in the white label's settings

- added the ability to change theme color in the white label's settings

- added language switcher in the login/registration pages

- added the ability to set a password for meetings and live sessions for each virtual tour

- added screen sharing option for jitsi meeting

- moved north room settings to separate tab with preview in associated floorplan/map

- added the ability to enable and assign the sample data to an existing tour in the settings

- added a warning for the image not fully 360 degrees and some presets to try fix them

- added 'allow zoom' option in the room position's settings

- added title and description to show caption on POIs

- added POI type google maps to embed map and street view

- added POI type object 360 (images) to upload different angle version of an object to simulate 3d view

- added real-time visitor counter in the dashboard

- optimized multi resolution

- made some restyling of the backend

- added a shortcut for editing the tour next the dropdown selector

- resolved a bug with room's list slider not center correctly if some rooms as not visible into it

- added the ability to change background color for partial panoramas

- added arrows room's list slider to be set as go to next/prev rooms or pages

- added permissions to editors for each virtual tour

- extended forms to 10 possible fields


- added the possibility to create virtual tour with sample data

- added more transition effects

- added the possibility to choose which languages to enable

- added a language selector in the top bar of the backend

- added custom header and footer html to showcases

- added video playback to video-type rooms in markers/pois editing

- added custom icons library to default markers/pois style in virtual tour settings

- modified virtual tour top right selector on backend pages

- added Japanese language

- fixed a bug that prevents the live session's video circles to be dragged off the screen

- fixed a bug that permits on live session's receiver to click on poi/markers

- fixed a bug in the map not showing if the first room was not assigned


- added in settings the ability to change some server params for jitsi, peerjs and leaflet

- added geolocation to map

- added qrcode to all publishable links

- added advertisements

- added audio prompt if the audio not autoplay automatically

- added the possibility to add a custom css class to poi and markers

- added the possibility to add custom script javascript in settings

- added a button to switch between pages of markers and pois

- added the possibility to choose whether to display viewer or landings of virtual tours in the showcase

- reorganized backend menu

- redesigned some backend pages

- fixed a bug when starting the webvr the list of thumbnails was not minimized

- fixed a bug with virtual staging resize when map or meeting are open

- fixed a bug on update


- added the ability to change the hfov for each room

- added map type: floorplan (image) and map


- fixed a bug that prevent showing progress bar on upload contents

- added Philippine Pesos as currency


- add upload avatar to user's profile

- added personal informations on user's profile

- added in registration settings the ability to enable and set mandatory fields for user's personal informations

- automatically generating favicons from logos

- added PWA compatibility

- added e-mail notification on new registered users

- added possibility to autostart the presentation

- moved voice commands into settings

- added categories to virtual tours

- added filter by categories in showcases and virtual tour's list

- added the possibility to hide a plan from subscription page

- added an external link to plans (show if payment is not enabled)

- added the possibility to change keyboard mode in virtual tours

- added one time or recurring payment to plans

- added interval months in plans to make recurring subscription from 1 to 12 months

- added Mexican pesos as currency

- fixed bug on room's list menu


- added a view type in multiple room's view to split the screen with a slider (for virtual staging)

- added possibility to add a name to multiple room's view

- added Vietnamese language

- added possibility to set language for each virtual tour

- added in settings a link to refer to a help document page (visible in the user menu)

- added the ability to create external virtual tours that point to existing tours made with other systems

- added possibility to upload a custom thumbnail for rooms

- added highlighting on login page if user enters incorrect username / email or password

- added back to room button on blur's room page

- added search on the users page

- moved registration and payments settings from plans to settings page

- added in use count in plans page

- moved the reset password form in a separate page always accessible by link provided in the forgot mail

- added the possibility to change texts for activation and forgot mails

- organized preview room's section in tabs to better usability

- added an helper grid to better change position of rooms

- added a button to toggle preview effects of rooms

- fixed a problem on some installation by checking/creating missing directories

- fixed the change of view of the multiple rooms maintaining the exact position of the previous one